Saturday, September 11, 2010

An interview with longtime Sherdog poster New_mexico1

I figured it would be cool to interview a fan of the sport, someone who everyone knows, someone people post alongside everyday. Through emails.

So, lets just jump into it. Fedor, hype or not?

"LOL, hype. It's, really funny how many users on Sherdog and around the community are still living off Pride. Like, this shit ended five years ago; built off entrances and old Rings/UFC rejects Pride wasn't that great in hind-site. Let it go, it's over. This dude was living off wins from five years ago, in a different time period of the sport. Fighting one dimensional fighters along the way.

That's it?


Okay... moving on. Ring or cage?

"Anyone who says ring isn't a true fan of the sport. It's unsafe, and will cause the first death in MMA - I think. Any org that uses it is outdated."

What about Dream?



"Does it use a ring? Then yes, outdated."

Since I'm a former banned Sherdog user, I can talk about members/mods. Any opinion on Toasteroven?

"Who? Oh, that asshole. He sucked when he was on Sherdog, he sucks when he made a new account on plats."


"Should have been modded awhile ago, but so should I. Maybe before him based on post count and content. I don't know though."


"His sexuality is questionable. He once told me, in private pm's, that his trolls were all made at his uncle Jeffy's condo - he lives there."


"Ass sprinkle"

Any comments on DREAM 16?

"Looks okay."

Any predictions?

"Miyata; Asian dudes. Next question."

You really think you're that cool?

"Yes, I am. You're nobody, I have almost 10,000 viewable post, with over hundreds of thousands of views. Prolly more than your shitty blog will ever have lol."

K, eat a bad of dog shit.

"lol, learn to spell gay boy."

Whatever, Interview over homophobe.

Have fun in shitty blog land.

*At this point I sent one last response and blocked his email.

Hey you fucko, learn some table manners when you come to Larry's table. I was trying to do something no one has ever done: ask a longtime Sherdog poster some questions. But no, you had to be anti-gay, anti-christian. Please, fuck off to whatever low income house you reside in. FUCKO.

*None of this was edited for spelling, just what was actually posted in real time.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why Sherdog "Haters" are dumb.

It seems like it's a fad now to throw stones at the site

Yes, Sherdog has its problems - like most websites, you can critique them - but, the hate Sherdog has been getting is really questionable.

A.) You got into the sport through Sherdog. Either through its fightfinder, or its articles. The facts are: you owe Sherdog for getting you into the sport, so don't act all high and mighty. They brought you into this sport, show some respect.

B.) If you are posting on their Forum, then in fact you're the one who's "retarded." You have no reason to say shit, because you're giving them money (through ads), you're the one spamming the boards to promote your site. The fact is: you are all hypocrites if you are criticizing Sherdog from inside their forums, or even creating troll accounts to spam, there's no room for you to say shit.

C.) The Sherdog writers are not bad. The people saying they are are usually Pro-Fedor fans, or anti-ufc fanboys. Read their articles before you say shit, I would bet none of you have.

D.) Their Mods are some of the smartest people MMA wise on the internet.

F.) The free streams.

I could go on for hours. You guys are all fucko's, and have no room to talk. Please, take a look into your life; I have. The facts are out there, stop being a follower. Stop with the anti-UFC bullshit you guys continue to post about, it's all bullshit "Dirt Fag" stuff. So childish.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The reason "Japs" have nuthuggers

The number one reason is...

Drum roll*

A certain sect of people in this world want to be different, they go against the norms, dying their hair and tattooing their bodies with hideous designs. I think the same applies for JMMA fans; their fans support a 2nd rate product, but don't see it like that. The Jmma-heads claim it to be a better product, but in fact I've seen more snore fest in Asia then in the States.

It's just simple, the only way they continue to say Jmma is the best product is to go against the grain. I look at it as a form of tattooing, or dyeing the hair weird colors. It's basically the same thing, only with JMMA. Most of these JMMA fans have been around for awhile, are sick of the scene, and basically look into JMMA as a way to set themselves apart from regular fans. Using weird Asian names in post; claiming you're a Zuffa poster if you say that you like the UFC more than DREAM or SENGOKU - when in reality the UFC is the best product out there, a company that can actually PAY their fighters.

The fact is: Strict JMMA fans are pretenders, trying to seem cool.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The True MMA fans: The Action of one; gods war with mma

The True MMA fans: The Action of one; gods war with mma: "Hello all, I'm a former writer for a big blog. Now I have this new blog, with an all-star cast of writers. The one flaw with people like Jo..."

The Action of one; gods war with mma

Hello all, I'm a former writer for a big blog. Now I have this new blog, with an all-star cast of writers.

The one flaw with people like Jon "Bones" Jones is simple: no morals. These fighters who claim to be "Holy" are wrong. God clearly states you should never fight another person. I think it's simple, don't thank God in your post fight speech, since you're going to hell, or limbo for your actions. God doesn't want his name to be uttered by someone who just broke his code.

It's simple, we all love mma, but hate hypocrites. So stop it,.